[PVP] Cursed Woods

Cursed Woods

This event is a guild based PVP Event that does not require any registrations.
The event will run every day.
Visit the website to see at what time it starts, additionally you can also click
the Event Information button on the System Menu in game.
When the event starts you can teleport to the map and join in on the PVP fun
even if you have no intention of actually competing for the win.

The purpose of this event is another tower defense event.
This time there are actually 3 towers in a map that looks like a maze.
3 Free Towers will spawn in a random "room" in the maze.
It is your job to gain sympathy from this free tower.
Once succeeded this tower belongs to your guild.

Other guilds now need to destroy this occupied tower.
When it is destroyed, a new free tower will spawn in another random room.
To make it easier, a icon will appear on the minimal so you know where to look.

The winner is the guild that has the longest total occupation time.

There are 3 towers, this means that if you occupy all 3 towers your time will count x3
The event will run for 45 minutes.

The winner will get the Cursed Woods Reward Box
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